Reducer Helpers

The following helpers are available for use with your saga slices. When used in combination with the other helpers, it makes development of new sagas much quicker.

readAllSuccess(state, payload)

  • Sets the isFetching state to false.
  • Maps the response payload into an object formatted like { []: item } = Object.values(payload || {}).reduce(
(a, c) => ({
[]: c,

readOneSuccess(state, payload)

  • Sets the isFetching state to false.
  • Maps response to data by id[] = {
...([] || {}),

createSuccess(state, payload)

  • Sets the isFetching state to false
  • Maps response to data by id[] = payload;

updateSuccess(state, payload)

  • Sets the isFetching state to false.
  • Maps response to data by id[] = {
...([] || {}),

deleteSuccess(state, payload)

  • Sets the isFetching state to false.
  • Deletes item from data

failReducer(state, payload)

  • Sets the isFetching state to false.
state.isFetching = false;
state.error = payload;

loadingReducer(state, payload)

  • Sets the isFetching state to true.

notLoadingReducer(state, payload)

  • Sets the isFetching state to false.

setCurrent(state, payload)

  • If passed a number or string, sets state.current to an item in
  • If passed an object, sets state.current to payload
if (payload.constructor === Object) {
state.current = payload;
if (payload.constructor === Number || payload.constructor === String) {
state.current =[payload];

resetCurrent(state, payload)

  • Sets state.current to null


Returns a state object structured to work with other helper functions. You can extend or overwrite the current state elements by passing an extended state. This function returns:

const initialState = {
isFetching: false,
current: null,
data: {},
error: null,
...(extendState || {}),

crudReducers(extend, doneReducers) => CrudReducerInstance

  • Generates a map of reducers for CRUD use
  • Can be extended or overwritten by passing extend option
  • Done reducers are created if doneRecuders is set to true
const actions = crudReducers({
// ... more reducers
}, true) // <-- creates `done` actions
const {
readAll, // loadingReducer
readOne, // loadingReducer
create, // loadingReducer
update, // loadingReducer
patch, // loadingReducer
delete, // loadingReducer
readAllFail, // failReducer
readOneFail, // failReducer
createFail, // failReducer
updateFail, // failReducer
patchFail, // failReducer
deleteFail, // failReducer
readAllDone, // only if doneReducers is true, noop
readOneDone, // only if doneReducers is true, noop
createDone, // only if doneReducers is true, noop
updateDone, // only if doneReducers is true, noop
deleteDone, // only if doneReducers is true, noop
} = actions;

lifecycleReducers(name, reducers)

  • Creates a map of reducers specific to an ajax request lifecycle similar to what you see in crudReducers, but only for 1 method call.
  • reducers is an optional parameter. If the reducers are not specified, it will be provided a default. The reducers are overwritten using main for the main action, success for success action, fail for fail action, and done can be a boolean or a function.
namestringyesname of actionn/a
reducersobjectnoobject of reducersempty object
reducers.mainfunctionnomain reducer created from name argument as nameloadingReducer
reducers.successfunctionnosuccess reducer created from name argument as nameSuccessnotLoadingReducer
reducers.failfunctionnofail reducer created from name argument as nameFailfailReducer
reducers.donefunction | booleannooptional done reducer is boolean or reducer function create as nameDonefalse or noop


const { getTodo, getTodoSuccess, getTodoFail, getTodoDone } = lifecycleReducers(
success: (state, payload) => ( = payload),
done: true,


  • Does nothing. Used for declaring reducers.