rootReducer and rootSaga API

rootReducer(modules, others)

Root reducer is a helper that facilitates creating a combined redux store. Under the hood it utilizes redux's combineReducers function. It also gives us the ability to add other reducers outside of saga-slice into the mix.

Setting up the root reducer should be pretty straightforward:

import { createStore, applyMiddleware } from 'redux';
import { rootReducer } from 'saga-slice';
import TodosSlice from './todos/sagaSlice.js';
// And add all of your saga slices into an array.
// This array can only contain saga-slices.
const modules = [
// You can optionally pass other reducers to this root
// reducer for cases where you have something outside the
// scope of saga-slice.
const appReducer = rootReducer(modules, {
myExtraReducer: (state, action) => { /* do stuff */ }
const store = createStore(appReducer);
export default store;


Root saga is a helper that facilitates running all your module's sagas.

Setting up the root reducer should be pretty straightforward and is the same as what you saw in the Getting Started page:

import { createStore, applyMiddleware } from 'redux';
import createSagaMiddleware from 'redux-saga';
import { rootSaga, rootReducer } from 'saga-slice';
// Bring in all of your saga slices together in whatever file
// you're going to declare your redux store
import TodosSlice from './todos/sagaSlice.js';
// And add all of your saga slices into an array
const modules = [
const sagaMiddleware = createSagaMiddleware();
// Typicaly redux middleware
const middleware = applyMiddleware(...[
/* redux dev tools, etc*/
// Implement root reducer
const store = createStore(rootReducer(modules), middleware);
// Implement root saga;
export default store;